MAY 2020 ENERGY UPDATE! On Your Path To Self Knowledge And Inner Power
May is the month of significant energy changes and energy shifts that you’re going to experience starting from now and continue in the next couple of months. It will bring forward energies of the highest vibration that is going to surface the Earth and be available for those who are in the vicinity to reach out and align with it. The vibration of the planet will rise, and our spiritual growth will speed up at the same time.
Stay tuned because, at the end of this video, I have an energy update for you that you are going to love and take renewed energy and strength from.
This month will perhaps be the most perfect time for the realization of the higher-level upgrade of your existence and achieve a new level of consciousness. It is the time of enormous contrast, and just because of that, you will be able to rise above all negativity by taking one little step of a time.
At a time when the majority of the activities stopped, the big reset button was pushed. Billions of people were sent to their homes to find themselves. The Universe has given us time. We were given time and the chance to clean up our own backyards. The Universe has given us time to fix our lives, our families, and our relationships. More and more people are inspired to have internal self-examination and re-evaluation and have the chance to move forward toward their spiritual growth.
This month is a time to inspect your feelings, your emotions, your Inner-self, and contemplate your own life. We live in a time of contrast that is causing this cleansing to take place. You can choose what is worthy and what is worthless, what to be kept, and what to let go of. What is valuable, what is useless, what is dishonest, what you really want, and what you want to let go of.
If you want a change in the World, then you must change yourself. The World is not going to change if you do not change as an individual. Your World will be as you create it. The current situation, the social distancing, the lockdowns, the even more troubled economy are temporary.
But the good news is that this month we will allow such powerful energies in our lives that the propensity to bring infinite joy is enormous. However, remember the current situation is a temporary state. Don’t spend too much time in fear and uncertainty for your Inner Being does not share those thoughts. That is why you feel so lost when you think of them because your Inner Being doesn’t join you in those thoughts.
We have abandoned the old, familiar reality, and we are preparing for a new life. We are now going through an internal transition, through a transformation process and preparing for a higher level of existence, for a higher level of the vibrational state. May will be perhaps the most perfect period and is, for the realization of this higher level of existence. The field of energetic interconnection is cleared, and now we can really find ourselves and hear the voice of our inner Being more and more. We extract the creative energy of the Universe and bring it forward into our Inner reality within ourselves.
You can awaken your own self and align with the presence of your superior self, in this physical life, into this human, physical plane. We’re going to talk about these changes, these intense emotions that we will experience. You must be present and aware of what energies are moving towards you and the vibrations that are already around you, in your day to day life because the same vibrations will come back to you in the form of manifestations. Observe what power you surround yourself within, every single moment of your day.
So choose good high-quality feelings, positive feelings, pleasant feelings to form, and create the new atmosphere around you because that is, which attracts your NOW reality.
May is the beginning of a New Era. Your whole life is fundamentally changing as you move into the next level of your human existence, and everything that is not working in your life must adapt to the increased vibrations. This is a powerful thing. So I’m going to repeat this, everything that surrounds you must adjust to the increased vibration you are creating with your carefully focused thoughts. YOU will create an environment that is a high-frequency environment, an atmosphere of steady vibration.
Anything that might hold you back or slow you down has to leave your experience. This energy shift will bring not only material change in your material world but also in your human relationships. There will be many who will not be able to stay with you on this beautiful journey, not because something wrong has happened, but because they simply cannot take the required steps for keeping up with this tremendous development. Bless them with love and allow them to leave your life in peace as you can’t afford to hold back growth in any area of your life.
As a result of this high vibration, changes will take place in your life, changes that can steer you in a completely new direction, either in terms of your profession, your food preferences, colors, music, or books. You will find that you used to be emotionally attached to a lot of them. Naturally, you don’t have to do anything to reverse this process, on the contrary, it is an excellent idea to let things be. This month, powerful high vibrational forces will be available to open new horizons in your life and help you build the new, improved foundations which were newly born.
Your awareness is now rising above the ordinary reality you have been accustomed to. You are standing in a new vibrational place now, a place with raised spiritual vibration that will put things in a new perspective throughout your life. The daily use of your intuitions becomes just as natural as eating, drinking, or breathing.
You will act naturally but become extremely intuitive in your everyday life, and you will find unique solutions and new ways to solve the problems of your life, solutions that have been unnoticed until now. Whatever challenge you face, you will not look at it with fear or concern, but you will intuitively know where to go and, surprisingly, for you, you will not be disappointed by your intuition. The Universe is waiting for your desires
and wants you to dream big. Now your dreams can be fulfilled, and the processes can begin to occur until they lead you to the fulfillment of your desires. Everything you’ve ever wanted can now become a part of your reality, an exciting one. I also want to share with you, that in May, the positive energy of the year 2020 will reach its pick, and the Universe is waiting for you to express your firm intention to create what you want to create in your new consciousness state things that seem incredible to you at this point.
Now you own the magic tool, the use of which requires great responsibility from you, and by using it, you will create anything with its help. Now you can start creating. What is the first thing you want to change your life? What is the desire you’ve been having for such a long time, but you did not manifest? You can use the magic tool and change your reality with your own thoughts, by changing how you feel and think. The magic tool that is your intuition will show you the way you go. The Universe is waiting for your wishes to give you everything you have ever wanted. It can shift your reality now.
This whole month will be about joy. May is a month of joy. This month, among other things, there is also world laughter day, which was invented in India and held for the first time in 1998, when a whole movement took place to express joy in such positive form, in the entire World.
May it’s a month of fast renewal rituals. People go through a complete process of purification. They prepare themselves for higher-level vibrations, just like in nature, the renewal process is undergoing. May, the last month of spring, is when the climate is changing, the soil warms up to 10 to 15 degrees, and insects appear, and the entire nature is born to life again.
Spiritual and bodily renewal is a form of preparation, a kind of transformation that must be made to be able to successfully transition into the next stage of your life. You and The Universe have a more robust relationship as you adjust to the flow of energy that is joy and happiness of renewal.
This month is Mother’s day, only to mention a few events bringing joyful energy to the fifth month of the year. By many, this is the most beautiful time of the year.
This is a vast cleanse of your outside World but most importantly of your Inner World.
We might come across many emotions in ourselves, feelings of resistance that will now surface. The purpose of looking at your resistance is to realize what it is that you want as a result of them. Now we shed light on every negative emotion with a massive reflector, as nothing is left out of the self-inspection.
On the other hand, because of this, we can finally experience relief, thereby gaining access to the dormant power within us. This process leading us to self-knowledge will help us find the right direction, and we will intuitively know what to do.
After all, a giant spotlight lighted up your entire life. You can no longer see just a small part of it that caused you to feel fear until now. You can see the BIG PICTURE now. The Universe helps us to follow the path we have chosen for ourselves for this life before coming into this physical body. However, the changes are not yet final, and there is nothing wrong with that as this is an ongoing process. The path will remain open for change until you find your joy.
You don’t want to take a score right away, and if you let the joy guide you, you will reach your goal in the full knowledge that it was YOU who created it. So this is the time of joy in the full splendor of spring in a dazzling celebration of spiritual awakening. As you get in perfect alignment with the Universe, your relationships will change enormously, According to statistics, this is the month of most marriages.
Those who are celebrating their anniversaries will have the possibility to relive their joys and take their relationships to the next level. Let’s face it, the coronavirus affects everyone. You could be spiritual, skeptical, religious, or unbeliever does not depend on age, gender, political, or religious the majority of the world today is using this opportunity to think different thoughts and reflect on their lives. We must take the time to look within ourselves for just a little while and change the way we think and finally feel good.
You may also experience a time of great tribulations, it depends on the path you have chosen so far. You have the opportunity to choose the path of love over fear, light over darkness, focusing on your Inner World rather than the outside World. Look at it this way: You are in alignment or not! And My message to you is to keep the higher vibration of peace and love, for this is the necessary piece to open the door of your paradise.
The next level is already here. Go beyond the old negative emotions and rise above them.
The Universe is carrying you in its palms. Follow the path of the life-giving energy of the Universe, experience the reality of the light, of alignment, and of love. Use this time of social distancing as an opportunity to find your find inner peace in the silence of your inner World. This is the Divine Light, the power of those in alignment with Source Energy, that makes this a positive energy-flowing happy month.
I hope this Energy Update was helpful for you.
Warmly, Andrea Roman
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