Love, in its myriad forms, has long been celebrated as a universal language that transcends boundaries and connects the threads of humanity. In this post, we invite you to join us on a contemplative expedition where we unravel the layers of affection, kindness, and compassion, discovering how a rampage of love can be a catalyst for profound personal and collective transformation.
From enhancing mental well-being to fostering stronger connections with those around us, the benefits of embracing and spreading love are as diverse as they are impactful. As we delve into the nuances of this transformative journey, we’ll explore practical ways to infuse love into our daily lives and witness the ripple effects that can extend far beyond our immediate circles.
So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to embark on a heartwarming journey. This is not just a post; it’s an invitation to partake in a rampage of love that has the potential to ignite positive change within ourselves and radiate outwards into the world. Are you ready to unleash the remarkable benefits of love? Let the adventure begin. 🌟💖
#RampageOfLove #TransformativePowerOfLove #SpreadLove
Rampage of love
by Abraham Hicks
ABE: “When you get it that, while it feels good to be loved… nothing feels better, in all of the Universe, than to love. As you look out with the intention of finding love, don’t look for love through their eyes, look for the connection through YOUR EYES.
Let it be the love of whatever I can feel the appreciation of. And as you just begin to tune yourself, first to the things that are easy to appreciate and then to the things that are obvious to appreciate and then as you begin looking for things to appreciate you begin to tune yourself into a vibrational alignment with Who You Really Are about things that are easier for you to love.
Because, friend, we don’t want it to be this way, it shouldn’t be this way but for most of you, the hardest focal point on the planet for you to love is that one you see reflected back in the mirror. Go home today and sit before a mirror, and sit there and look into the depths of your eyes and look with the intention of seeing your Inner Being looking back at you. And say: “I know you’re in there, and I have an inkling of how you feel about me because Abraham has been talking about it and I’m just gonna look for you until I find you. I’m going to stay here until I find that feeling of awareness of me and appreciation of me that I’m looking for”. And from where you are, we can feel that you can get there very quickly.
The most important thing that we are saying to you is: this self-love that you think you are looking for is not a love of self, it’s LOVE THAT IS SELF.
And there’s a difference.
There’s a difference between loving me and being Me Who Loves. And it’s being Me Who Loves that is really you. And when you’re Me Who Loves, it’s easy to love that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and then it becomes irrelevant what your object of love is if you’re loving.
What difference does it make what is the reason, the focal point, for the love that you’re feeling? What possible difference does it make? That would be like eating a really wonderful meal and while you’re eating it, being unhappy that you can’t be eating that one and that one and that one and that one and that one. It doesn’t matter which meal you’re eating as long as the meal that you’re eating feels wonderful. It doesn’t matter what the focal point of your love is as long as the love that you’re feeling is the love that really is You, you see.
HOT SEATER: I can flow, love, that way. Are you saying that when I’m flowing love like that…. randomly to anything and everything…. that that is Who I Am?
ABE: Yes. That is Who You Are. That is Who You Are. And, the more you do it deliberately and acknowledge That Is Who I Am, then the more you demand it of yourself – and demand is too strong of a word – but the more you set your intention to find that and the more you look for it everywhere you go. And the more you look for it, the more you find it, and the more you find it, the more you look for it until, soon, you just become it. And then you become this stable being who is never off your balance. Who, if someone looks at you and doesn’t find appreciation as they are looking, you understand it hasn’t got anything to do with you. It never had anything to do with you. Everything that has everything to do with you, you are in control of, you see.
HOT SEATER: Ohhh. Why is it so hard for me and others to look at our own human self and not feel that same ripple of appreciation and love?
ABE: Because you’re looking for love to be focused at you rather than LOVE to be FOCUSED THROUGH YOU.
HOT SEATER: But I want to focus it at myself. I know what you mean about third parties, I’ve been down that rabbit hole, but I’m talking about focusing it on myself.
ABE: But what we are saying to you… and we want you to love you as we love you… but in the meantime, what difference does it make what the object of your attention is when you’re feeling love? And the thing that is apparent, and we appreciate you saying it, and everyone feels it to some extent also, is that in your awareness of not loving self…. you can’t find self-love.
And so, we’re just trying to build a bridge for you that… in other words – any time somebody hurts your feelings it is because you’re in a different vibration than Who You Really Are. And so this quest for self-love we think is down the rabbit hole. We wouldn’t be looking for self-love, we’d be looking for the part of self that does love.
Rather than saying to someone that we love “I want you to love me”, we would begin training ourselves into a desire that says:
“I love loving you…
I love the feeling of loving you.
And how you feel about me is irrelevant.
I love the feeling of loving you”.
And then what begins to happen… it’s like our friend who got so angry at us: “Abraham, I don’t think you care if my lover ever comes to me.” We said “that’s exactly right, we just want you to form a vibration that makes you feel so wonderful that it doesn’t matter…. but then, he cannot come!”
In other words, when you find that vibration the Universe has to match you up with somebody that feels exactly that way, you see. But we don’t want you to let what’s happening in terms of manifestation be the criteria for how you feel. So many people say “OK, Abraham, I’ll play your silly games, I’ll do your processes, I’ll do whatever I can do to bring myself to the place of offering the vibration that will get me to the manifestation that I want.” And we say “have you heard nothing from us!!?!! It isn’t getting you to the manifestation that we are teaching you all of this, it is getting you to the place of feeling so good that the manifestation doesn’t matter!”
And then you worry and say “Ohh, so I’m not maybe going to get the manifestation” and we say “that’s not what we’re saying at all! We’re saying the desire for the manifestation is what gives you the reason to want to connect to the energy that is really you that is the true living of life. And that self-love is evident then you see.”
And that’s why we just don’t hit you over the head with an ‘I love me’ stick because that really is not what you’re looking for. You’re looking for reasons to love. You’re looking for reasons to love. And in this environment, there is so much abundance of that.
In that light, we would like to say to you that we find you loving of yourself quite often. We find you absolutely lovable. We find you recognizing that you are lovable.
We believe, with everything that we are, that if it were not for your comparison of yourself to others and… oh, here it is – this is really what is at the heart of all of this…
So, all of you stand where you do and you launch rockets of different things that you want and you conclude that others are already living what you want and you’re not. And you gather that information by comparing the smiles on their faces and the words that they speak and the things they write in their books and the movies they show you. So you use their success as a club that works against you as you compare them getting what they want and pointing out to you that, in some instances, you’re not getting what you want.
And what we want you to understand is that you cannot accurately compare what anybody is getting because you have no way of accurately assessing their points of vibrational relativity. And what they appear to be showing you and what they’re actually living are two very different things. Don’t you know people that have all the money in the world and they’re still dissatisfied? Don’t you know people that are living in what you think of like your dream house and are dissatisfied with it? Don’t you find it amazing that people that ought to be happy under the conditions that you think you’re reaching for aren’t? And doesn’t it sort of point out to you that you just can’t compare anything that anybody else is living with what you’re living?
We don’t want you to feel bad about, in every moment, not being able to announce to the world that you have achieved absolute self-love. We just want it to be your never-ending quest. And we will say to you that you have hit upon something that is so essential and so to the core of Who You Really Are and who you were as you came forth into this body. Because that self-love is the driving motivating factor, it is the inspiration, it is the thing, it is the ultimate calling!
Here Source is, over here, loving you with everything that it is and of course it is the quest that you’re most wanting to answer. And so, therefore, of course, it would be the thing that you would feel most uncomfortable about not achieving moment after moment after moment.
But what Source wants to say to you is that the love that you hold for yourself in any moment is enough! In fact, it’s the perfect love under the conditions in which you are living.
It is enough! It’s just right! Where you are on your path is just exactly right. It’s exactly where you should be on your path.
If you can acknowledge that: “Where I am is just right, and given the circumstances of my life I’m right on track. And I’m reaching for a fuller, more encompassing sensation of love. And Source is over there patiently, never for a moment impatient, always loving me”.
Do you know, here’s a good thing to say to yourself: “Even though, for whatever reason, I don’t like myself very much right now, I know that I have not caused Source to deviate in Source’s appreciation of me at all. I have not convinced Source not to like me. The source will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever do that.”
Source maintains its absolute appreciation of you. And as you know that, maybe it will help you give yourself a little more of a break. Maybe it will help you to acknowledge: “I am in the perfect place relative to everything…. even relative to self-love”.
Abraham Hicks workshop transcript by Monica Garay